'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra a Cosa Unica «unique thing». Drug trafficking is the "main" business
"The top of the 'Ndrangheta is Cosa Nostra" confessed a repentant. The Palermo prosecutor: «The investigations tell of agreements with the Calabrians»

Maurizio De Lucia , chief prosecutor of Palermo, supports this with conviction: «mafia organisations, not just Cosa Nostra, are rooted in the territories». It will no longer be the crime of bombs and deaths killed in the streets, the mafias prefer money to bullets, cryptocurrencies to pennies, jacket and tie to caps and luparas. But all this does not erase the ability of crime to extend its tentacles over any business, illicit or otherwise, drugging the market and employing white and "invisible" collar workers. In the list of good investigative intentions for 2024, prosecutor De Lucia in La Repubblica suggests an in-depth investigation into the relationships (which have always existed) between Cosa Nostra and the 'Ndrangheta . « There is a succession of large-scale seizures of cocaine, drug trafficking is now the main business for Cosa Nostra . Investigations increasingly reveal agreements with the Calabrian 'Ndrangheta . There is a mafia galaxy in full evolution ." On this point, it is necessary to highlight what was declared by the deputy prosecutor of the DDA of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Lombardo during an event in Lamezia Terme.

Giuseppe Lombardo
«The 'ndrangheta is not isolated and never has been. Thinking of criminal structures identified with historical mafias should not mislead, they are components of a system. The 'Ndrangheta as a Calabrian phenomenon, the Cosa Nostra as a Sicilian reality , the Camorra as a typically Campanian phenomenon and the Sacra Corona Unita as a subsidiary of the 'Ndrangheta do not exist. There is what a justice collaborator from Palermo, who defines himself as "reserved" (i.e. a top individual in criminal contexts who does not appear to participate in the basic organizational structure) told us when we questioned him in Palermo". Lombardo reports an interview in which the repentant recounts his trip to Reggio Calabria together with his uncle: «Every 15 days I came to Reggio with my uncle and he left me there with his bodyguard and went to Aspromonte where he spent the weekend, he came back on Sunday evening." A few years later, following the death of his uncle, « Stefano Bontade – continues the story of the collaborator reported by Lombardo – called me to complete the project that my uncle was carrying out and explained to me that they were going to Aspromonte to take orders, since there it was a joint project with the 'Ndrangheta of Reggio . It was to set up a business committee with pieces of institutions, politics and freemasonry because the real power is right there . And while in Calabria it had been working for years, in Sicily it had not yet started."


Last edited by Hollander; 01/03/24 05:32 PM.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"