Originally Posted by Jimmy_Two_Times

Anyway, Pittsburgh had as many connections as any of the big families, just many fewer made guys.

True story here. Kind of goes back to do you keep a family small, and potentially keep it loyal and manageable, or expand it and be large and potentially have more vulnerable points. For sustaining it over a long period of time it seems the latter[/quote]

Depending upon the size territory you need to control, if you can do it, its better to maintain a smaller "formal inducted"membership and have a much larger network of "associate members" for the simple reason it becomes more lucrative for the core membership, not to mention inner secrets and logistics are able to be kept under wraps more easily.

For instance, a borgata comprised of 50 soldiers, but with 400 to 500 associates of different statures, allows for approximately 8-10 men lined up under each soldier. If there are 4-5 skippers among those members, you have 4-5 solidly built regimes, and essentially 5 sections of the Family.

Thats a real nice ratio. But its not always easily accomplished. lol

Last edited by NYMafia; 01/01/24 03:43 PM.