Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Sullycantwell
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Maranzano gave Capone and Chicago their own seat on the commission with their own vote (aside from the Genoveses) and in fact, younger bosses like Giancana didnt care much about the NY commission. Some sources say that by the 1950's or 60s Chicago allegedly controlled everything west of the Mississippi River, hence their problems with the Bonannos.

The commission didn't exist until after Maranzano's death.

There obviously WAS "governo centrale", according to Gentile. Each family controlled its own city but under one boss of bosses. The only thing that later changed was the nixing of the boss of bosses position and also smaller families being represented by bigger ones.

The Govorno Centrale seems to be different than the 1931 commission. so calling the governo centrale the commission just muddles up the already pretty murky time period.