Originally Posted by Serpiente
There are many made guys that didn’t make it to high school let alone advanced degrees .

Fat Andys son sounds like an uneducated street guy …. Very sharp with rules and street knowledge but when he speaks its that kid that dropped out in 6th or 8th grade.

Speaking "The King's English" was never a requirement in joining the mob. Yet, make no mistake about it. Through the course of history there have been many very very sharp guys in the mob...who, in fact, could arguably be called brilliant.

That said, Ruggiano and most of the other guys mentioned don't fall into that category. lol.
But aside from sons who "were" and "are" capable as street guys, or the sons who chose to go another way and became extremely successful as legitimate businessmen.

There were, and currently are, many knuckle-draggers and largely dense sons who joined the mob, who only receive a measure of respect because of their fathers, not because they're such smart or "capable" mob guys.

And, of course, then there are all the sons who are neither successful as mob guys or legitimate guys - I call them the "ungraded class" - who never made it either way...and just putz around feigning importance and relevance. Guys who put on a show for the public and they're friends, but who are largely mental or emotional cripples...who were gently nudged to the side by their fathers.