Originally Posted by RushStreet
Say you were out to eat having a drink by the bar in Kansas City. You are there enjoying yourself when a guy bumps into you.

You then proceed to say "How about an excuse me? Can you please respect my space, I'd appreciate it."

The guy then says to you " Who da fuck are you? Don't fuck with me motherfucker, I am with the CIVELLAS. I am known all over this fucking city!!"

Same thing as the dumb fuck who told the people out in New York he was a Gambino.

Would you take him seriously or laugh in his fucking face?

Laught in face,what remain of the Civellas are a bunch of bookmakers. Also Del Giorno used the name of Scarfo sr to scare the bussiness man that was trying to extort,the guy called the police and del giorno was arrested.
In this days the people is more scared by a tatooed gang member that from a mafioso. Just my opinion.