Originally Posted by Blackmobs
So there is not one (1) Commission, but two (2) commissions?

That depends upon what era you are talking about. From its inception through most of it existence, there was only one "Commission" as we know it, and that was commonly referred to as "The New York Commission."

But as I say, at a certain point in time, as the families weakened and started to go extinct, and there was less and less to govern, NY allowed Chicago to takeover control of the few remaining families from the midwest out to California.

But today? Nowadays? There is no "second" Commission. The Chicago Outfit itself hangs by a hairstring and the vast majority of families out that way have hung a sign in the window stating, "Gone Fishin'." They are extinct!

Truth be told, even the traditional "Commission" based in NY is on a respirator and life support..

Last edited by NYMafia; 12/28/23 05:44 PM.