Not in order:

Ikiru (1950/Akira Kurosawa)
8 1/2 (1963/Federico Fellini)
Vertigo (1958/Alfred Hitchcock)
Greed (1924/Erich von Stroheim)
Casablanca (1942/Michael Cutiz)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962/David Lean)
Singin' in the Rain (1952/Gene Kelly-Stanley Donen)
Duck Soup (1933/Leo McCary)
Modern Times (1936/Charles Chaplin)
The Big Red One: The Restoration (1980-2004/Sam Fuller)
The Maltese Falcon (1941/John Huston)

Yes, I can count. There's 11 films on there but hell, these are the films I consider the greatest ever produced and my favorites.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia