Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Ah, I'm sorry. I confused it with A Woman Is a Woman which I have seen in stores a lot.

Tomorrow I will try to get a Criterion DVD since I've saved money. I just don't know what to get. I really wanna see Down By Law after seeing Dead Man, but there are several other films I might buy over it such as The Seventh Seal, The Last Temptation of Christ, The Leopard, or Seven Samurai.

What do you think of Jarmusch's other films, Thug?
Okay, gotcha. A Woman is a Woman is great, as are nearly all of Godard's films, but it certainly is no where near his best.

I've only seen Dead Man from Jarmusch, but he is considered one of the most important independent filmmakers of all time so I look forward to seeing more.

But I recommend saving up even more money until you can afford the Cassavetes box (as I mentioned above). I'm off on a rant now since I've been reminded how much I love A Woman Under the Influence and nearly all of the films I've seen from Cassavetes (Shadows is rather weak in comparison to his best, though, I thought) that I can't stop from trying to get you to enjoy it, too.

Omar also is a big fan of the box set, if I'm not mistaken.


"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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