Originally Posted by Dwalin2011
Originally Posted by NYMafia

We don't know the "true" story behind this entire scenario or even the conversation that took place. We don't even know that anything close to what is purported to have happened, actually happened. Or even what Ricca "supposedly" said or didn't say, understand my thinking here Dwalin?

So this is really all conjecture on all of our parts. Yet, Paul Ricca was a very highly respected mafioso, a boss no less. Over one of the most powerful crews in the U.S., not to mention that fact that he was also a card-carrying member of The National Commission.

So I seriously doubt the context in which he said what he said (or even whether he said anything at all, let alone something along those lines.)

Because if he did say something so off-color as that, or cajoled Cerone into taking the fall like that, boss or no boss, Paul Ricca woulda got hit right in the fucking head!

Especially back in those days...So I take it all with a huge grain of salt.

I understand what you are saying and agree we can't know what Ricca actually said in the meeting with other gangsters, but if he confirmed to prosecutors (as Toodoped said) the information about Cerone, then the thing is on record and became known to public at least after the trial. While I agree it's the mafia that decides what is acceptable for the organization, but if we apply the rigid logic of "no ratting whatever the circumstances" to every single gangster, then what Ricca did was at least controversial in my opinion.

I don't mean to start an argument or anything like that, but that's what I think...

There is absolutely NO excuse for informing or ratting. But we don't know that about him....at all. As I say, I take ALL of that with a gigantic dose of salt where Ricca is concerned.

For me, a lot of what has been said about many guys over the years, not just about this subject of ratting, (or not ratting,) but about a great many varied statements and things that guys supposedly did or said during their careers thats now become "gospel" to mob aficionados is a lot of hogwash.

(but thats a topic for another day)

Last edited by NYMafia; 12/22/23 10:40 PM.