A rat is a rat is a rat! Regardless of who they may have ratted on. There is NO distinction made between informers based on who they happen to give up. There is no line in the sand drawn that differentiates between the depth of rats or their levels of informing, of “how much” of a rat they were.

If you opened your mouth about anyone at all, regardless of who they may have been, then you’re a piece of shit.

Whether a given rat provided information to the authorities about a top Italian Mafia boss or a soldier, a top Jewish associate, a peripheral hanger-on, a corrupt politician or cop, or he spilled his guts against a lowly destitute Bowery Bum, that guy has now become, in the eyes of everyone who counts and pays attention to such things, a confirmed stool pigeon!

There is no such thing as, “I only gave them certain things” or “I only gave up a black guy” or “I only gave up a Jewish ‘associate, not an ‘inducted’ Mafia member.” Or, “He was a nobody, so who cares? It really doesn’t count as ratting.”

Once you open your mouth and give information against another person, any other person, then you’re a fucking rat…period!

And that is, hands down, an ironclad and non-negotiable fact of life…fact of street life…and a fact of “The Life.”

Here’s another weak excuse, “I only gave him up because the guy did this, that, and the other thing to me.” Or, “I only talked to the cops this one time because of the circumstances involved. But I’d never do it again, I’m not a rat”

The fact is that once is enough. In fact, once is more than enough! And another fact of life is that if you did it once, then under the right circumstances, you’d do it all over again.

Like I said, “A Rat is a Rat is a Rat!”

And there is no two ways about that!…End of story!

ButtonGuys newly expanded and completely redesigned, “The Rats Nest”

The most extensive and comprehensive list of rodents throughout the United States ever compiled…to be rereleased next year.

…Only at ButtonGuys of The New York Mafia!

Last edited by NYMafia; 12/22/23 08:07 AM.