Originally Posted by Liggio
Furio you make some good points. Regardless of how much money you're making or how smooth of an operation you're running, there are just some things that should never go unpunished. The guy who killed the relative of a Buffalo wiseguy should've been punished. Imagine if that was Tony Accardo's nephew? I don't wanna hear this isn't the 1970s or 80s, that's just an excuse. Same with the guy who killed Frank Cali. I'm all for not killing at the drop of a hat or whacking someone just for looking at you the wrong way, I'll be the first on this forum to say that the vast majority of mob killings were pointless and ridiculous, and in fact disastrous. But some things shouldn't go without retribution, I don't care if it's 1983, 2023, or 2083. Michael Meldish, the Luccheses were RIGHT in killing him (mob-wise, I'm not personally saying he deserved to die) if in fact he screwed wiseguys over 100K, even if it resulted in life sentences.

There are plenty of options out there if they really wanted to follow through on it. You just can't let something like that go.

I think the guy that shot Cali was a skitzo or something so thats why no action was taken on him. If it would have been an actual mob hit I believe you definitely would have seen retaliation.