
One day little Frankie asked his mom why the American government keeps sending their soldiers to Middle East.

His mother replied," Do you see the beef on the table over there? Go grab it and put it in the refrigerator."

After Frankie did as his mom asked him to do, she said, "Now go take it out of the fridge and put it on the table again."

Little Frankie went and did as he was told.

Then his mother said, "Good boy. Now go put the beef into the refrigerator again."

He gave her a confused look, but did as she asked.

But, after thinking about what she asked, with his hands now all greasy, Frankie commented to her, "I don't see the reason why we're doing this, ma."

His mother replied, "It doesn't matter what the reasons are. Just tell me what you have in your hands now, after all the things you did."

"Nothing but oil, ma." Little Frankie replied.