Originally Posted by majicrat
They don't kill even when a legitimate (in their minds) reason presents itself. The simple reason is they do not live in the streets anymore, in the ghettos. they're' soft end of it. the whole BS about camera's is BS. Thousands of murders a year in this country go unsolved. According to the FBI stats, in the 1960s homicides were solved nearly 90 percent of the time, in the 1990s the rate went down to 60 percent, in 2020 the solve rate was less than 50 percent, and closer to home the FBI says NYPD solve rate for murders was 27 percent (NYPD disputes this number). My point is the whole technology excuse is BS. The Mafia is soft, period. Ask Romanello when he gets sentenced why as a CAPO and didn't have anyone under handle the collection problem then for 6 years do nothing about the trial witnesses? Cause there isn't anyone. Just my opinion.

Well said and I agree. Like I said before if there were still killers in the mob you would see guys getting whacked. But today, the guys who have taken over never were killers to begin with, and the ones that are well they are now in their upper 70s and 80s. Do you really think they want to go to prison and die there by carrying out a hit? No.

We have guys in prison right now who are in their 80's and they will never see freedom ever again such as James Marcello whos in supermax. There is no one left anymore on the streets as the mob is now focused on white collar rackets with some stuff such as loan sharking and bookmaking to make money. Murders are not a thing with the new generation and regime of the families when it comes to handling business matters as they don't believe in it and are not capable of blowing someones head off.

Last edited by RushStreet; 12/18/23 03:08 PM.