Originally Posted by RushStreet
It's confusing to me as to how guys who would kill like me and you stomp on an ant, magically one day sat around and said "Im just not gonna kill anymore because its bad for business."

Wtf? I mean a killer just cant turn off the switch that easily. Makes me wonder if the guys running the mob now even ever killed anyone to begin with during their life. It makes me believe all those guys are in prison for life, deceased, or so old they arent capable of pulling the trigger anymore. Is there anyone on the street right now currently working for the mob that have carried out a hit?


The good question could be "why the mob was so powerful?"

They was the first oc gruop with a clear hierarchy based on secret codes. A borgata is the same from NY to LA. They controlled unions and spread to street rackets to while collar crimes.
The italians was less integrated and the mob had his strongholds in the various little italies.
Plus the FBI under Hoover wasn't able to infiltrate the mob and there was no RICO no witsec.
Now its more easy to flip and disappere in the witsec and no more of the young guys want to made long time in prison for the family for example Anthony Nicodemo get 25 y to life for be the gateway driver in Gino DiPietro hit but its an exception.
Now kill someonevis hard because there are cameras everywhere and LE have many informants that can easy put a target on the killer.
So they prefer made money and enjoy it that risk the life in prison.
And that why the rats can ealk in the pld hoods without fear to be killed.
In italy a ndraghetista killed and burned his wife because talked against the ndrina.