Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Franzese testified against Norby Walters in 1989. John Jr. flipped "twice". He gave information sometime in the early 2000s, but was somehow able to convince his father's circle that it wasn't true. Then he flipped for good in 2008, I believe.

Thanks for the info bud. Again, I dont know much about the Colombos but I think they still had hitters during those days, or maybe Im wrong?!

No, you're spot on. I would even go as far as to say that the Colombos boasted a rather strong lineup of killers back then. One thing about the Colombos is that they always put a great deal of effort into recruiting dangerous guys

Thanks again bro. So can I safely say that Sonny was able to order his sons hits, even from prison? He obviously didnt do it and broke one of their rules, while on the hand being constantly labeled as alleged hardcore and feared individual who also allegedly took the lives of many men and always followed the rules.

Yes, I believe Sonny's weakness was his children. It's very hard to blame him for that, but I also think it helped Michael that he didn't take the stand against any made members. On the other hand, Sonny would have gladly killed other peoples kids for doing what Michael did. The crazy thing is that Sonny was actually one of the first people who lobbied for the execution of John Gotti Jr. when it came out that he had proffered. In the end, he was just a murderer and a hypocrite.

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away