Originally Posted by Capri
Fredo traitor in the family betrayed his kid brother, Michael for personal gain arguably the Donship itself Fredo so coveted
Take sides against the family second time even after warning

helping get rid of Mike is not so far-fetched. thinking Mike was going to jail.
No bigger shot and respect than Don Fredo Corleone

There is no redeeming feature

. Very doubtful. You can have jealousy without actually acting on it and trying to kill your brother. Look I understand since Mike is main character there is a tendency to defend his action but there really is no defense to this. What did he actually gain by murdering Fredo? People being more terrified of him? It obviously tortured him later in and realized it an unredeemable decision. Again there really is zero evidence that shows Fredo wanted to kill him wheras there is a lot of evidence that he was played and only wanted to show he could do an important job for the family.