Drug trafficking in Lombardy, Dolci: «It is the hegemony of the 'Ndrangheta»
The deputy prosecutor of Milan: «In an investigation a man from the Calabrian gangs claimed: “Lombardy is our thing”»

MILAN Lombardy is «undoubtedly the main crossroads in our country for drug trafficking. We have investigations into trafficking in the order of hundreds and thousands of kilos of cocaine, hashish and marijuana, a synthetic drug that comes from Holland and with the resulting profits, which are then reinvested in legal activities." This was stated by Alessandra Dolci , deputy prosecutor of the Court of Milan, speaking at the meeting "The mafias in Lombardy", organized by the Lombard Democratic Party, underway at Palazzo Pirelli.
The main organization guaranteeing drug trafficking «is precisely the 'ndrangheta , which is the hegemonic mafia, not only in our territory, but also at a national and international level . So much so that in recent investigations a member of the 'Ndrangheta who had claimed for himself the right to manage this enormous level of cocaine trafficking for Lombardy and said that "Lombardy is our thing". So you can imagine the flow of money that involves our territory and which is partly "reinvested in economic activities", underlined Dolci.

Even in the "Hydra" investigation which hypothesized a mafia consortium in Lombardy, «which at the moment has not had the desired outcome for us», the majority of the contested crimes «are represented by crimes of a fiscal nature».
From the Idra investigation this convergence of interests «between subjects in the odor of the 'Ndrangheta, between subjects in the odor of Cosa Nostra and subjects in the odor of Camorra was represented by the creation and marketing of fictitious tax credits which are essentially cash».
«What we considered at the time to be “spy crimes” – added Dolci – i.e. the bulldozer burned on the construction site, or the fight delivered to the public administrator have practically disappeared. There are very few acts of intimidation and violent connotations." «What reveals the presence of the mafias – concluded the deputy prosecutor – are the investigations into fictitious invoices, bankruptcy or reports of suspicious transactions that come from the District Anti-Mafia Directorate or the Dia. Therefore spy crimes are economic crimes."