Alfredo Maisto is, together with Pasquale Simonetti and Vittorio Nappi , one of the last representatives of the old pre-Cutolian Camorra. These characters, much loved and feared by the local population, were also called Guappi . These are legendary figures around which the population builds anecdotes, sometimes without foundation.

Maisto is recalled several times by Raffaele Cutolo . Don Alfredo Maisto helps the father of the future head of the NCO, an episode that will allow Cutolo to establish a sort of connection between the boss and some figures of the Catholic imagination, in particular that of the Archangel Gabriel . It is possible to affirm that, on the basis of this imagery, filtered by a magical thought typical of the local culture, the personality of the bloodthirsty boss of Ottaviano is built .

Alfredo Maisto dies of a stroke in a clinic bed. In Giugliano the memory of his funeral which was attended by thousands of people.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"