Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
I don't know if I'd go as far to call out Sonny, but Joey brought up some good points. I honestly don't believe he's involved in the life really at all anymore. I do think it's awesome he called out Michael like that. As an aside, people need to stop bringing Ric Flair on to their shows. Dude is ALWAYS drunk as cooter brown, slurring his words, making no sense, and recycling the same stories over and over. I cannot stand listening to him lol.

I agree with you BT.

BTW, who is this Ric Flair people are referring to?

You don't know who Ric Flair is? He's a captain in the Lucchese family. Famous for being Henry Hill's driver

Ralphie, you're clearly a jerk-off. You've proven that fact over and over again to us.

Can't you take a joke? You're so tightly wound it's frightening