Originally Posted by Lana
My take, for what it is worth!
Fredo, initially also lied to Michael

Fredo grudgingly "revealing what he knew" was painful to watch like pulling teeth
Fredo: I haven't got a lot to say Mike I was kept pretty much in the dark I didn't know all that much [yeah right]
Michael: What about now Is there anything you can help me out with Anything you can tell me now
Fredo: They've got Pentangeli that's all I can tell you
After Fredo's outburst
Michael: Is there -- you can tell me about this investigation?
Fredo: The Senate Lawyer Questadt -- he belongs to Roth [finally]

As regards Frankie Pentangeli's survival, the chairman was very helpful! telling Michael about their secret star witness
The committee will stand in recess until ten o'clock when this committee will produce a witness who collaborates the charges that were made against you today and at which time Mr. Corleone you may very well be subject to indictment for perjury

Sure thing "Fredo was far more involved with Roth and Ola than he let on"

Fredo betrayed his kid brother, Michael for personal gain "something in it for me if I'd help 'em out" and then continued trying to harm, hurt and injure Michael by still withholding information he knew, to gain that "something"

even if Fredo 'really' didn't know it was gonna be a hit, Fredo "waiting to reveal what he knew until after Michael perjured himself" that too not voluntarily [even though it made no difference to Michael's defense as Vincenzo Pentangeli, Frankie's brother was already on his way to enforce omertà and bail Michael out] was to try and send Michael to Prison because the hit failed and that "something" arguably the Donship, was not yet gained

There is no redeeming feature

. That is false. There has never been any proof that Fredo deliberately tried to have Mime killed. There is a lot more prof that he was simply played. Was he frustrated? Yes. Was he insecure? Yes, BUT that doesn’t mean he intentionally tried to kill Mike. What Mike did to Fredo was just pure evil you can sugarcoat it but that’s the truth. Mike knew that Fredo didn’t intentionally try to kill him