Originally Posted by Hollander
Interesting TD what do you think about this?

On December 20, during the conference, Luciano had a private meeting with Genovese in Luciano's hotel suite. Unlike Costello, Luciano had never trusted Genovese. In the meeting, Genovese tried to convince Luciano to become a titular boss of bosses and let Genovese run everything. Luciano calmly rejected Genovese's suggestion:

There is no Boss of Bosses. I turned it down in front of everybody. If I ever change my mind, I will take the title. But it won't be up to you. Right now you work for me and I ain't in the mood to retire. Don't you ever let me hear this again, or I'll lose my temper.[45]

I think thats taken from one of those old fictional books about Luciano such as the Last Testament. Theres no shred of info regarding what they talked about, and even the Cubans who worked at the hotel at the time and understood English, werent able to hear a word on what went down while serving food and drinks.

My GUESS is that one of the agendas was probably Costello officially taking over as boss, while Genovese had to take a low profile or a step back because of his absence and also because all of the heat that was on him when he returned to the US at the time and remained as capo of his crew, and I personally believe that Vito had no problems with it.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good