Originally Posted by DanteMoltisanti
Originally Posted by LC330
Originally Posted by DanteMoltisanti
Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93

Speaking of Alite, has anyone seen this? He claims that while in prison he slapped Gene Gotti around, then beat up Sal Delaurentis for coming to Gene's defense. These guys are significantly older than Alite, so i guess from a physical standpoint he probably could, but talk about far-fetched. Hard to believe he has a following at all. Guy makes absolutely ridiculous claims.

I know for a fact that those are more lies from the lying broke rat, he is constantly making up far fetched stories and lies because he’s so broke and desperate for money that he’s desperately trying to hang on to his last 5 YouTube subscribers from New Zealand who still take him seriously , FACTS .

I can’t wait until Episode 256 of The Skinny Podcast when Joey finally runs out of rats that were actually straightened out and then gets through the ones that were actual real associates on record and then finally way down the line gets to the Lying rat Alite who pretends he was an actual associate or if you’re a fat pill addicted pig at The American Hotel Bar when Alite is there after his disability check is cashed he pretends that he’s Italian and was made and “walked away as a man’s man”

Because I provided Joey’s Godson who is my boy with tons of paperwork for his Godfather Joey’s podcast on the lying rat Alite ranging from a copy of his active Food Stamp Card, to emails with every word misspelled threatening a woman overseas in London England to his “rent” agreement with his son to live in his basement as a tenant and Everything in between. That rat will finally probably do everyone a favor and jump off a bridge, no loss to the world at all.


Sounds like This guy has some serious mental issues
Anyone know the guy and can check in on him? Make sure he is ok

You must be really enjoying your Alite signed Baseball bat, you get the coffee mug too? You’re in a small exclusive group of 7 morons who purchased those items in the world. Congrats

