Originally Posted by Liggio
That's a great observation from that sociologist Toodoped. I've been saying since time immemorial that many guys are still attracted to the lifestyle regardless if they have plenty of money or not. For many, it's in their DNA. DNA being figurative speech for anyone who's head it went over. All this talk that only impoverished people want to be involved is bullshit. Some of the biggest wannabe gangsters I know have or had everything. There's even been wealthy guys who joined the mob, and their wealth was their ticket in. That sociologist did a splendid job blowing one of the great myths straight out of the water with this line, "Offending is not the result of being in dire straits and having neuropsychological deficits, rather it is a chosen lifestyle." Bravo!

I completely agree with you and also regarding the guy who made this project and did a wonderful job on creating one good definition regarding the criminal mentality of individuals such as Luciano.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good