Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Thats not lashing out, thats just telling you off. Everybody on this forum knows damn well what you are, and why you visit here. You're a troublemaker and a troll who comes on GBB to insult people and start arguments.

Now go crawl back into whatever dark hole idiots like you crawl out of. We don't want your kind around here, get it?

Mafia911 aka Angelina aka Shiny Face is making problems again??? Lol Whats he saying? That hes a fag? We already know that!!! Lol He shines like Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter lol The guy must be on some therapy or shit like that which fucked up both his skin and brain. Fuck that hermaphrodite lol his brain is completely damaged and theres no turning back.

TD, is that who this imbecile is? I know you mentioned it before, but honesty, I forgot. (it just goes to show how much importance I place on no-talent guys like this.) Lol.

Maybe if this imbecile payed more attention to his own affairs, instead of coming here to troll and insult people, his failing podcast and website wouldn't be failing. Maybe his podcast and website wouldn't be stuck in limbo for months on end without any current content...And maybe...just maybe, had they worked harder at research and had a little ingenuity, they could have built up some sort of a following and added subscribers.

But, alas, instead, none of them knew what to do, or how to do it. So they hate others whom they view as being successful at what they failed at...typical of these types of empty suits.

And they especially hate and despise the ButtonGuys of TNYM website and Mob Fireside Chat podcast because we've enjoyed such success...A success they can only wish and dream they had.
Now, I COMPLETELY understand why he and his fellow no-talent friends over at BH hate us so much. They're filled with jealousy and envy over our success, because they don't have a clue as to how to achieve any form of success themselves, So, naturally, all they have left is their hatred and anger toward us....thats why they constantly lash out. But that's ok. because, like they say, Mafia101 (aka; Angelina or Shiny Face)...

"We've built a castle with all the bricks of jealousy and envy that no-talent clowns like you have thrown at us!" LOL

So have a nice day..."The Other Guy"

Last edited by NYMafia; 11/21/23 08:47 AM.