Originally Posted by NYMafia
So let me get this straight, ok...

The FBI just raided the homes of these fellas, yanked them out of their homes in front of their wives and children, and hauled them off to jail to face serious charges. But you two numbskulls feel their wives and kids didn't dress "properly" or up to your standards?

As these same family members scrambled to get dressed, notify others of what just happened to their husbands and fathers, make multiple phone calls trying to reach defense lawyers and bail bondsmen, and then rushed off to the lockup and courthouse while simultaneously trying to gather up enough funds in hopes of getting a possible bail package for their loved ones???

All while they were beside themselves crying and very emotional, no doubt?
But you think they should have been concerned with color coordinating their outfits and making sure they dressed nicely for the cameras and for guys like you?

I wanna know one thing, ok?...Is it just sheer ignorance that makes you think and speak this way, or are the two of you complete lunatics? Lol. What the fuck is going on here?

I could not have said it better myself. Some of the comments are so ridiculous and lacking in intelligence that I almost don't wanna post here

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away