In sunny areas around the world, we see men showing off their pecs. They are proud to show off their nipples, no matter how flabby, hairy, or grotesque the fat under might appear. They flaunt this power...this ultimate freedom in front of the people around them. I don't think this is fair to women. While I might appear to be a mild pervert for trying to get this point across, let it be known that I am much, much more perverted than this. But that's not what I want people to only have on their minds as I'm explaining my though process. In fact, it's not like I want only beautiful women to show their mammory glands to the world. Everyone should be able to walk down the street with their mammory glands hanging out. If I all of a sudden started lactating infront of the eyes of a growing lad, would I then have to cover up my succulent bosom? I don't think it's fair, that I would have to cover those two lovely meat patties just because I let others feast on my mysterious, yet miraculous boobies.

If a burly man is allowed to show his ugly hairy breasts, then I think that poor saggy breasted neighbor next door should also be allowed to let her 78 year old udders into the open area for people younger than her to witness. What does everyone else feel about the bias in this overall situation?