Fredo had everyone fooled!

Nobody "had any inclination" Fredo was not "satisfied" nor they were “creating an enemy” Michael had always taken care of Fredo However “You're my kid brother and you take care of me” was another grating thorny factor in “the depth and intensity of Fredo's resentment of Michael” for being stepped over

Tom and Fredo - Extracts:
Originally Posted by Evita
Michael [and Vito] underestimated Fredo
Nobody not Michael, not even Vito had any inclination how detrimental Fredo would be, arguably even setting Michael up to be murdered, for the Donship
Originally Posted by Turnbull
Very insightful post, Evita. I agree with what you said. Especially how Fredo was underestimated. He was such an ineffectual dunce in GF that his betrayal of Michael in II had strong impact--we probably never would have guessed he had it in him...and what else he might have tried if Michael had given him a pass. Guilt and gratitude are the most fleeting of emotions.