22 Famous Italian Inventions That Changed the World....7 thru 9.

7. "The Breadstick"...
Regarding snacking, Italy gave us a humble yet delicious breadstick. These crunchy, slender pieces of baked dough have a long history in Italian cuisine, dating back to the 17th century.
Breadsticks have become a popular appetizer in Italian restaurants worldwide and a staple snack in many households, showcasing Italy’s enduring culinary influence.
8. Eyeglasses
The invention of the first eyeglasses in Italy during the 13th century was a game-changer for people with vision problems. This simple yet ingenious invention allowed individuals to see more clearly and efficiently carry out everyday tasks.
Eyeglasses have also become a fashion statement, with countless styles and designs available to suit different tastes. This Italian innovation, considered one of the most life-changing inventions, has significantly improved the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

9. Jeans
While blue jeans are typically associated with American fashion and culture, their origins can be traced back to the Italian city of Genoa.
Sailors in the 17th century began donning these durable garments, and the term “jeans” is believed to have evolved from the French word for Genoa, “Genes.”
It is speculated that the city of Genoa was where the cotton corduroy fabric, known as “jeane” or something similar, was initially produced.