this i understand liggio, my beef was more with the poor daily mail article. for sure there is collaboration between many different italian mafias as well as other oc groups. but there are simply too many italian families in italy to say that all of them as the daily mail suggests are in total alliance in some super mafia. not all cosa nostra famiglias are in alliance just on the island of sicily, same can be said for the 'ndrangheta. some 'ndrine are and have been allied for decades other operate completely independently. i will not say anything about camorra it is the italian mafia i know the least about, but it also has dozens upon dozens of families and at one point had split into to different camorras. even inside that mafia at one time there was no agreement. i find this the most frustrating though when the media talks of the 'ndrangheta in generalities as if it some top to bottom monolithic mafia family with 10000+ members all answering to the same one boss, its ridiculous.