The new one is out. It starts with footage of their tailgate party at the Eagles game. Then it gets -----him and Angelo Lutz are showing how they cooked in prison. Merlino has one construction boot with an upside down iron in it, one white he is cooking a grilled cheese sandwich. On the side he is using a tuna can lid, bent in half, to cut garlic. No, I am not kidding. Angelo Lutz is instruction him what to do, Merlino is calling him fat. Lutz explains that in prison you cannot have a knife, so you use a tuna lid. He then demonstrates how to bend the lid for use as a cutting utensil. Merlino is trying to slip the garlic, Lutz keeps telling him to hurry up, and I look at Merlino as I think of him a s the Philly mob boss.