Originally Posted by majicrat
NYMafia, my understanding is he was the biggest bookmaker in the county, at the time especially in the Lakewood/Toms River area. He also played a very dangerous game of "Being" with not one but a few families depending on who he was speaking to. He was no used car salesman. The whole Fat Tony encounter is very interesting and involved a few made guys from other families (not Genovese) bringing the issue to him to settle. I have a book somewhere about it along with articles I'd have to find to elaborate on it. My memory is also that there "may" have been a Jewish gangster backing his larger bets as well. I say may, because I don't know if my memory is correct on that part. If anyone else knows about Craparotta please post. I'll look for the info this weekend.

Interesting. I never read or heard about any of that. But, definitely try and find more about it for us, ok? Thanks