Originally Posted by Strax
I disagree on that one, 90% of them get in the life of crime when they are still teens 15-16 years old , because they have no other choice, in rich parts there is almost no crime , especially no organized crime , because people have other choices , no one will join that life because they want to live a life of crime , sure there are some but thats like 10% of them.

Take a look at whats happening in Naples with kids joining Camorra,they have no idea about the life they want to have at 15 years old , but they need new clothes, new shoes , new phone and so on , to impress surroundings ,they can't get it from parents because of bad economic situation, easiest way to get that stuff ? Well crime.

Look its not the 1940's anymore. These guys aren't being born into dirt poor Italian Families that do not speak english and they have to drop out of school to support their parents or siblings. They are born into money for the most part in 2023. Why the fuck would any of them join the mob to pay for a new pair of shoes or phone? Makes no sense.

Now this is just my opinion Strax so take it for what it is. The young guys today join for one reason...... status. They want to be known as a mobster, and they think the lifestyle is fun. This is why when they are finally arrested and the FBI knocks down their door, they fuckin flip and become a fuckin rat. They are not in it for the right reasons like how the old school guys were. OMERTA does not exist to them. Its all about women, partying, and $$$.

That is pretty fuckin pathetic and an insult to the men who were in it for the right reasons.

BTW this is in regards to the American LCN, not the Mafia in Italy.

Last edited by RushStreet; 10/23/23 03:45 PM.