This is a great read (thank you). My only contention that differs is the kidnapping of Hoffa; not an easy task as he was a bull that ran away from a knife but at a gun. The "Hoffa Wars" as we now know was complete propaganda; it occurred but was completely one-sided. (Sort of like the great Mafia War in Sicily of the 1980s.) There is no way Hoffa is getting in a car with anyone, despite these same men providing a pathway for him to the presidency of the Teamsters. I still contend Frank Sheeran was in the car. Part of my confidence is I always believe my neighbors over the government (hence, I'm a conspiracy theorist - or so labeled.) Hoffa's own family is, without equivocation, certain Hoffa would never meet anyone connected to any Outfit without Sheeran. At this point, there was an all-out effort, that Hoffa was aware, to destroy his re-ascendancy. Hence, you see Hoffa appearing in newscasts denying any Teamsters War that he is a participant. Sheeran is the only man Hoffa trusted. I believe Sheeran was driven away and then Hoffa murdered.