Apparently I'm not the only one who feels that way, Jace was the first one to say he's tired of hearing Greek Mafia, Chinese Mafia, Russian Mafia, etc, and I agree with him! Accardo is an anomaly then. Still, my point is that it's unfair to compare pre-RICO bosses to present-day bosses and you keep using this Accardo guy, deviating from the point I'm making.

On the term Mafia: The word mafia originated in Sicily. The Sicilian noun mafiusu (in Italian: mafioso) roughly translates to mean "swagger", but can also be translated as "boldness, bravado". In reference to a man, mafiusu in 19th-century Sicily was ambiguous, signifying a bully, arrogant but also fearless, enterprising and proud, according to scholar Diego Gambetta. In reference to a woman, however, the feminine-form, "mafiusa", means a beautiful or attractive female. The Sicilian word mafie refers to the caves near Trapani and Marsala, which were often used as hiding places for refugees and criminals.

Sicily was once an Islamic emirate, therefore mafia might have Arabic roots. Possible Arabic roots of the word include:

ma?af? (????): exempted. In Islamic law, Jizya is the yearly tax imposed on non-Muslims residing in Muslim lands. Those who pay it are "exempted" from prosecution.
mahy?? (?????): aggressive boasting, bragging
marf?? (?????): rejected
mu??f? (?????): safety, protection
Ma??fir (?????): the name of an Arab tribe that ruled Palermo

But notice how the word Mafia has Arabic ROOTS, keyword roots, that doesn't make the word Mafia Arabic itself, it's still an Italian word. All of the above Arabic terms are just that, Arabic.

And I'll end this with a quote from Anti-Mafia prosecutor Giovanni Falcone: "While there was a time when people were reluctant to pronounce the word "Mafia" ... nowadays people have gone so far in the opposite direction that it has become an overused term ... I am no longer willing to accept the habit of speaking of the Mafia in descriptive and all-inclusive terms that make it possible to stack up phenomena that are indeed related to the field of organised crime but that have little or nothing in common with the Mafia."

Last edited by Liggio; 10/21/23 07:11 AM.