I think Biden convinced Israel to delay its Gaza invasion to "give diplomacy a chance." Biden's moral and political priority is to rescue American hostages (Israeli hostages, too), which is why he dispatched Blinken on his shuttle diplomacy mission among so-called "moderate" Arab leaders. Netanyahu probably agreed to the delay because all the hostages would be killed the moment an invasion was launched, and because he needs American might (those two aircraft carrier task forces) to deter Hezbollah and Iran from opening a second front, which would badly strain Israeli resources.

It's been pretty well established by now that the hospital rocket was launched by Hamas ally Palestinian Islamic Jihad, not Israel; that it landed in the hospital parking lot and did not demolish the hospital (although the hospital was damaged); and that the death toll is more like 100 to 200, not 500 as claimed by Hamas. But, it was a "gift" to Hamas, giving them more dead Palestinians to blame on Israel. It also forced the "moderate" Arab leaders to back out of a summit conference Biden requested. Big victory for Hamas because the world will alwlays blame Israel for everything and anything bad.

Blinken probably had established at least a framework for an agreement with the moderates before they backed out--Biden wouldn't have agreed to go to the summit if he had to start negotiating from scratch. That framework might still be on the table if the moderates cool off and come back. But, unless Israel can utterly destroy Hamas, they'll have suffered a major defeat--even if one surviving Hamas fighter is photographed waving his AK-47 on top of a pile of rubble that was once Gaza city, every Arab and enemy of Israel will believe that they won a "great victory."

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.