One of, if not the most amazing Columbus themed locations in the U.S. is located in Boalsburg,PA,a small town about 3 hrs east of Pittsburgh.

Boalsburg is home to the Boal mansion and the Columbus Chapel.
The Boals have owned the house for about the last 200 years.

The Mansion tour is fascinating,and showcases numerous historical artifacts,and personal items from historical figures from all over the world.

The showcase of the tour is the Columbus Chapel, which once stood on the family grounds in Genoa.
In the early 1900's the Chapel was disassembled by a member of the Colon family,and sent to Thomas Boal,her husband,and re-assembled on the grounds of the estate. (Christopher Columbus was born Cristobal Colon in Genoa).
Among other artifacts,the Chapel includes Columbus's Admiral desk,15th century priestly vestments,Renaissance era paintings,and 2 pieces of the True Cross along with a letter from the Bishop of Leon attesting to their veracity.

Trivia: Boalsburg bills itself as the birthplace of Memorial Day,so that's the time you want to visit.

While at Boalsburg,you can check out the PA Military Museum which is right across the highway, and also visit Penn's Cave,about 15-20 miles east,which is an underground boat tour of a cavern.

Do yourself a favor and Google the Mansion,Chapel,Military Museum,and the Cavern tour. There is so much more info available than I could fit here.

I live in Pittsburgh,and every Memorial day for about 6 years,my girlfriend and I made a "pilgrimage"to this beautiful town.

We would eat fried chicken made by the local Fire Department at their fundraiser,go to a small carnival,(where you could actually win at the games),and watch the judging for both homemade pies,and garden grown roses.

The feature of the holiday is a very low-key,respectful procession,to the graves of the people who gave their lives during their Military Service.

Some re-enactors set up a mini bivouac with period tents,and wear replica Civil War uniforms,but nothing tacky or commercial.

If you're in the area,definitely stop by.

Last edited by Lou_Para; 10/18/23 12:49 AM.