Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by Malavita
Pete Inzerillo and Lorenzo Mannino for the Gambinos.

A Lucchese capo whose name I don't remember.

Is Paolo “Paulie the Zip” LoDuca a 81 years mafioso that was in the 1980s - 1980s the link between the mafia,the mob and the Colombian cartels.
He was on the lam when was arresten in NY in 1990 and in 1993 was sentenced to 19 y for drug related charge in Italy that asked the extradiction.
I can't find if he was extradated or not.

Furio, he was the primary link between the Sicilians and the Colombians, the Sicilian Mafia's linchpin in America for transatlantic cocaine shipments. Loduca was eventually convicted in absentia, extricated back to Italy and served 17 years in an Italian prison before being released back to America where he took up residence once more.
On another note...Furio, If you don’t mind me asking, I know you reside in Italy, but are you of Italian heritage?

The reason I ask is because you come from Italy, yet, you haven’t made one single comment or contribution to our “Italian Heritage Month” thread. I was surprised at that. Truthfully, I found it a bit odd that an acknowledged Italian would not feel compelled out of sheer ethnic pride to contribute some positive content to our thread. At least once?

Especially that so many forum members, Italian or not, have been so thoughtful and engaged on our Italian thread and have contributed such great stuff…Yet, from you, only crickets. Why is that Furio?

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/17/23 05:40 PM.