Originally Posted by Friend of Henry
Originally Posted by Friend of Henry
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Friend of Henry
[quote=NYMafia]As TD explained, it is quite common for members from one family, after relocating to another city in another state, to eventually "transfer" their memberships to the resident Family of the new state.

In fact, there is actually a rule (or was a rule,) that if you permanently move to the new state, you are required (by Cosa Nostra doctrine) to switch over after a six-month period.

Part-time guys, vacationers, temporary fellas living in another place....No! But if you move into that state permanently, it's required.

[But within the Five Families, that was extremely rare. It's only happened a few times.] Traditionally, you stay put within the Family you are "made" into...period!
PS: Another steadfast rule, and one that was adamantly adhered to the letter, was that BEFORE you come into another territory to do business, whether illegal or legal, it was expected that the boss of your borgata notify and technically "ask permission" of the boss of the territory you're coming into, as a courtesy and to show respect.

I'm not sure if Pat Ferruccio got permission from Cleveland before he went over to Pittsburgh. I only knew Pat through Henry and he was with Pittsburgh and involved in the failed Rincon River Oaks Casino. Might you have knowledge of this?

FOH, If, in fact, Ferruccio WAS an inducted member before he relocated to Pittsburgh, then both bosses of Cleveland and Pittsburgh would have had to approve of his "transfer."

If he was a top on-record associate, and especially if he was already a "proposed" associate (who are treated with almost the same reverence and have to follow the same rules as made guys,) then he would have still needed approval for a transfer.

But if he was just a general associate, and nothing special, no special "status" per se, then he could have just moved to Pittsburgh and tied up with La Rocca guys. Cleveland would not have needed to be consulted, although if they were aware of it, as a courtesy to Ferruccio if he was liked, they may have send a message to Pittsburgh that he was a good guy....as a courtesy to him.

Thats how these things work.

Thank you for a more detailed explanation of how things probably happened when Pat switched over to Pittsburgh. FWIW:With your incredible knowledge of some many LCN families; why not write a book. You have taught me a lot!
What a select few think is of no concern to me. They can kiss my A**!

I'm glad to hear you say that FOH. That was spoken like a man...And truth be told, thats the right way to think and the proper way to conduct yourself. Like a man, who can think for himself. Unlike a few others on here who act like sheep, mindlessly regurgitating bullshit that others put into their mouths, working them like a puppet, and then playing "follow the leader to the slaughter house." LOL

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/14/23 02:57 PM.