Here's two more interesting Italian figures from Italy's rich history...
The renowned Italian poet Dante Alighieri's died in 1321.

Often revered as the Father of the Italian Language, Dante Alighieri is celebrated for his monumental work, "The Divine Comedy."
Did you know you can visit Dante's final resting place ? Located amongst the enchanting streets of Ravenna, in the region of Emilia-Romagna, visitors can find the tomb of Dante. After his exile from Florence in the 14th Century, Dante found refuge in Ravenna. Not only is Ravenna his final resting place, but it is also the location where Dante completed "The Divine Comedy".
Have you ever visited Ravenna and seen the tomb of Dante?

Have you ever visited the statue of David at the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze?

On September 13th 1501, the famous Tuscan artist Michelangelo Buonarroti began work on his statue of David. Michelangelo was just 26 years old at the time, and sculpted the David out of a single block of marble from the quarries in Carrara in Tuscany. The statue took Michelangelo almost four years, and was completely in June of 1504.