Originally Posted by DanteMoltisanti
Can’t believe George A. Mentioned that scumbag lying rat Alite not just once but twice in that segment , absolutely nothing that Alite says is fact it’s all made up lies and he played George A like a fool into writing a shitty science fiction novel with that Science Fiction Gotti’s Rules book.

Alite is a well known fraud and proven liar, he has even lied in the past about his own ethnicity and last name lol. What a jerk off, he needs to never be mentioned ever again and only the retarded should actually watch his YouTube bulllshit tall tales.

George A lost a lot of credibility as a Journalist after getting played by writing that piece of garbage nobody read of completely made up tall tales.

If I was George A I would never mention that lying scumbag rat ever again and pretend like it never happened, he must be getting dementia or something.


I agree with quite a bit of what you said above Dante, however I did not get the part on the ethnicity? Did Alite lie about being Albanian, or once claim he was Italian?