Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
I believe it's very possible that he is still alive. Many will laugh and say nonsense but Favoccia said what he said. Why would he say it if it's bullshit? Maybe it is, but in this case it makes sense. I have full faith in Hollander here. He will find him. He will google his way into Bardellino's personal toilet


Immacolata Bretto is the first wife of Antonio Bardellino , boss of bosses throughout the Eighties and commander in chief together with Carmine Alfieri bearers of the mega cartel of the so-called Old Camorra , which federated under the banner of the New Family, to wage a war to the death that left hundreds and hundreds of deaths throughout Campania.
But the surname Bretto appeared very recently in statements by collaborators of justice such as Nicola Schiavone, son of Francesco Schiavone Sandokan , who, in an interrogation said that with the Bretto family the clan had reached a balance , to the point that this peace, this concord closed a central story in the history of the Casalesi clan.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"