I would think he does have friends . But in the administration is a what is the over the top .

In NY there has always been a thing about Skinny many wouldn’t recognize him as even being made .

Then though the years Skinny is meeting guys in jail and he is likable and even charismatic as you see on his channel he is the same as he was as 15 year old .
I guessing Cicale is talking to guys that are close to skippers .

Philly guys now days after Nick S the quality of guys went down to just above street gang status , this is why you hear NY guys saying they are different in Philly and it’s true .

Philly guys are less educated in the life and have way way ! Less business acumen only because since Nick S Philly guys couldn’t get into high end rackets ( i know there were a couple) but nothing like what goes on in the streets of NY .

Outside looking into Philly there is nothing like it was NOTHING the neighborhood is gone . They dont even have a fucking card game they hang in pizza shops ect. It completely different then NY and the guys are nowhere near as sharp .

This doesn’t apply to everyone but as a family they are just above street gangs .

Last edited by Serpiente; 10/08/23 05:14 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."