(you know who you are)

Talk is cheap, idiot rap is plentiful, and so are mindless idiots who spread garbage, while a duplicitous mentally-ill little schemer who hides in his parent’s basement behind a keyboard grows more frustrated and angry by the day.

The fact they spend so much of their sorry lives fixated and obsessed with what amounts to hopelessly “shoveling shit against the tide” tells you all you need to know about them…and their lack of mental stability.

These types of people - losers one and all - deserve one another. No doubt about that. They aimlessly wallow through life looking for a purpose, wasting day after day with fruitless endeavors, while other people live their lives in a meaningful and constructive way.

There’s an old saying in life, and it goes like this…

“There are three types of people in the world…Those that make it happen. Those that watch it happen. And those who wonder what happened.”

But there’s also a fourth type of who is envious, devious, frustrated, mean-spirited and hates the whole world. This type of person needs to constantly lash out from frustration because of his own personal failings in life. A person like this can only achieve happiness when they're able tear down other people they view as being better and more accomplished than them.

There is no doubt in my mind that this fourth “type” of person lives the shallowest existence of all…
Like the man once said... "Go get yourself a job!"

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/07/23 03:09 PM.