Lanni obviously has a temper and it is bad when he mixes alcohol with it.

Is this guy a good earner? If they demoted him and gave his spot to someone else, would that hurt the family business or make it better?

If I have a guy that earns just as well , they would get a promotion and unfortunately Lanni would only be a soldier until he can prove to me through actions over a couple years that he won't ever do that again. If he's on good behavior and he keeps earning, then I will consider him for a CAPO again but nothing is guaranteed. Thats just how it is and sets an example that you don't fuck around representing the family. You carry yourself as a boss, not some low level associate. His actions have proven he is not qualified to be a CAPO.

Last edited by RushStreet; 10/06/23 11:41 AM.