The month of October has been officially designated “Italian Heritage Month.”

And since ButtonGuys most often delves into all things about “Italian” organized crime with stories about Cosa Nostra, Mafia, N’drangheta and Camorra, we thought it might be nice, and refreshing, to also take a look at the flip side of the coin, the so-called ying-yang of the Italians as a people.

So, with that in mind, during the month of October we will explore the rich culture and some of the positive contributions Italians have made to the world. From their storied history to their culture such as cutting-edge Italian fashion, art, movie stars and world renowned gastronomical expertise.

Most importantly, we will also explore the close “family” unit that they are so famous for the world over. No, not that one! Lol. But the actual blood family that has always been at the very core of who they are as a people…and their unique mindset.

For the Italians, everything centers around their family. It is a source of both strength and pride for them. It "IS" who they are!

This family-centric mindset, of course, is what also eventually gave birth to what is widely considered throughout the world to be the most successful and pervasive organized crime network to ever exist. (It is also the very reason why this forum, and others like it, even exist in the first place.)

This new series will explore how this unique mindset developed through the millennia, and, subsequently, how it shapes nearly everything they do and how it affects Italy and the world to this very day.

With that in mind, ButtonGuys will present interesting stories we think best describes and explains my people…the Italians.

We think their storied history and rich culture will make for some interesting reading and open up a whole new viewpoint for our members. And since it is “Italian Heritage Month,” we could think of no better time to launch this series.

ButtonGuys feels this is important to temper our normal journalistic leanings to “level the playing field” so to speak. To show, not only their influence on organized crime, but also the countless positive contributions the Italian people have contributed to the world as well.

So, with that said, over the next few weeks ButtonGuys invites everyone to hop aboard as we delve into all things Italian and Sicilian. We hope you like it!

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/04/23 06:16 AM.