Originally Posted by Dwalin2011
I read in some book (I think it was Salvatore Lupo's "History of the mafia", although I am not 100% sure), that Tommaso Buscetta said that, if we evaluate each province's power by a 10-point scale, then Palermo would be 10, Agrigento and Trapani 8, Caltanissetta 6 and Catania 4. Strange he didn't mention Enna, and I thought Trapani was more powerful than Agrigento, but he put them on the same level....

Why did he rank Catania only 4? I would put Catania just under Palermo and Trapani , i guess he gave that rank somewhere in the late 80s or early 90s when it was under Santapaola's, when they were the most powerful. I guess today that rank would be higher because of 'Ndrangheta and drug trafficking going on there.

"A fish with his mouth closed never get's caught"