Originally Posted by Toodoped
Yeah, everyday Junior think of something "new" that his uncle allegedly told him but previously never told the government....bullshit lol

I personally agree with @ChiCubs and also doubt Juniors legitimacy....so what?!

If Frank Sr told this to Nick who in turn told Jr, while being under investigation, then they are holding information which is against the law. Whats next?! Accardo personally killed RFK while being masked as a muslim?! Lol lol

Im not 100% sure but i think Accardo was either out of town or in hospital when the Giancana hit occurred, something which every smart boss wouldve done it.

I actually think its somewhat realistic that Joe B did this hit too - if you have hard evidence to prove otherwise, I'd love to hear it. I know its nuts and that asshat Frank Jr. Calabrese says that on his sideshow tours, but that's honestly what I think happened. I believe Torello and LaPietra were the ones who coordinated the hit through Aiuppa and Blasi was the one who set the trap and was threatened to keep his mouth shut - but I would not be surprised if the shooter was Joe B.

That said, you are right - it would make more sense for him to be out of town. You would think newspaper reports would say otherwise but I haven't seen them.