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The succession
Corriere della Sera explains that there are two legacies of Matteo Messina Denaro: the economic one and the mafia one. The most popular name of the heir is that of Francesco Guttadauro. He is the son of Filippo, who is under special surveillance under 41 bis after having served his sentence for having favoured the absconding of Messina Denaro, and of his sister Rosalia Messina Denaro. Francesco is the brother of the lawyer Lorenza. And he is Matteo's "favorite nephew". The Guttadauro’s belong to the Brancaccio district, governed until their arrest by the Graviano brothers .

Who is Francesco Guttadauro
Francesco Guttadauro is currently in prison serving a 16-year sentence. He could be released by the end of 2025, for the three-month bonus for each year spent in cell granted to all prisoners. A turncoat from the Bagheria clan, Stefano Lo Verso, described him as "very close" to Messina Denaro, who would have him "in his heart". Furthermore, the boss himself recently decided to speak only with Francesco’s sister the lawyer Lorenza Guttadauro. The economic legacy instead consists primarily of all Messina Denaro's investments in the province of Trapani and in Sicily.

The economic legacy
Family members could also claim a say in these investments. It is impossible to quantify them, but during the thirty-year hunt for the fugitive the ROS seized assets worth 4 billion euros. Other aspirants could be entrepreneurs doing business with him, mediators or mafia bosses who want to take his place in control of the Castelvetrano area and the province. 

The mystery of the keys
Messina Denaro is also thought to be the keeper of Totò Riina's secrets. This is because it was Toto himself who told Giovanni Brusca before being arrested: "If something were to happen to me, the picciotto know everything." Picciotto is Sicilian language and corresponds for Italian boy and low level member of Cosa Nostra. The picciotto’s Riina meant were Giuseppe Graviano and Matteo Messina Denaro. Riina also told Saro Naimo, a mafioso from the 1950s with many contacts in America, that Don Ciccio's son had his papers and would be his heir. In the last refuge in Campobello di Mazara, investigators found many keys. Without finding out which doors they open.

The poker player
Prosecutor Gabriele Paci told Giuseppe Pipitone today that Diabolik was above all "a poker player". One who had the ability to bluff by "playing on multiple tables". And again: «After the arrest they were all surprised when they discovered that in the hospital the boss had established relationships based on a strong sense of humanity with the doctors and other patients. But he always had this chameleon-like ability to bluff so that others couldn't even imagine what his true nature was."

Matteo Messina Denaro «first took part in the massacres, embodying the spirit of Riina and participating in the war against the State. Thanks to this he became a high-ranking mafioso when he was still very young. But then, when the time was right, he left the massacres alone and started doing what Provenzano said, that is, the business mafia. He became a submerged man whose traces were lost for almost 30 years. And certainly, now we can say, I don't think that for 30 years he took selfies with nurses."

Riina and wind turbines
Paci recalls that in the 2012 prison wiretaps, Riina defined Messina Denaro as someone who had grown up on his lap . But then he scolded him because he was doing business with wind turbines. Instead of continuing with his strategy of war on the state. And precisely this, according to the Palermo prosecutor, is today the mystery of Messina Denaro. That he knew the instigators of the bombs against the artistic heritage of 1993. And that he could also know why at a certain point the massacres end: «I don't know if we will ever be able to have historical certainty of how things went. However, there is certainly space to move forward." [Linked Image]