"The Talking Dog"

A guy was walking down the street one day when he spots a sign outside a house that reads, “Talking Dog for Sale.”

Intrigued by the very thought of a dog that could talk, he walked up to the front door and rang the bell to witness this for himself. The homeowner invited him inside to see this amazing dog.

The pooch was lounging on the couch smoking a cigar when the man walked in, so he walked up to the canine and asked, “So I hear you can talk, is that right? So tell me then, what have you being doing with your life?”

The dog thought for a moment, then quickly replied, "Oh, I’ve led a very full life. I've lived in the Alps, rescuing avalanche victims. Then I served my country on the front lines in Iraq for several years. I served the police department as a narcotics and contraband-sniffing canine. And now I spend my days entertaining and reading books to elderly residents of a retirement home.”

Upon hearing this, the guy was absolutely flabbergasted, so he turned to the dog’s owner and asked, “Why on earth would you ever want to get rid of such an incredible dog like this?”

The owner smirked and retorted, “Because he’s a complete pathological liar! He's never done any of that stuff!”

ButtonGuys hopes everyone enjoys their day!