Originally Posted by Hollander
The last wishes of Matteo Messina Denaro: «I don't want religious funeral from this corrupt Church»
SEPTEMBER 24, 2023 - 08:21
by Editorial Staff

The boss at the end of his life, the "testament" appears in a pizzino from 10 years ago: «I reject every religious celebration made up of unclean men who live in hatred and sin»

The last wishes of Matteo Messina Denaro appear , the boss one step away from death after entering an irreversible coma due to the advanced colon cancer that has gripped him for some time. An anomalous will, that of Messina Denaro, but in line with the identity of the super-boss: it is in fact contained in a pizzino. The contents are revealed today by La Repubblicawhich makes it known that in the most important note handwritten by the number 1 boss of Cosa Nostra it appears that Messina Denaro had no intention of wanting a funeral in church. "I reject every religious celebration because it is made up of unclean men who live in hatred and sin", writes the boss in the pizzino, found by the ROS carabinieri in the boss' hideout in Campobello di Mazara after his arrest on 16 January. The boss continues in the note: "It is not those who proclaim themselves the soldiers of God who can decide and execute my lifeless body, they will not be the ones who refuse my funeral." Words that Messina Denaro wrote well before his capture, and even before discovering that he was suffering from cancer. The pizzino dates back, in fact, to May 2013,

«My relationship with God is pure, not politicized»
«The relationship with God is personal, he doesn't want intermediaries and above all he doesn't want any earthly executor. Anathemas are human expressions, certainly not of those who are only spirit and forgiveness", wrote the boss. Hence the decision: «It is I who, in full conscience and science, reject all this because I believe that my relationship with faith is pure, spiritual and authentic, not contaminated and politicized. God will be my justice, my forgiveness, my spirituality. Anyone who dares to hunt and deem my person unworthy like today doesn't know that he will never have the chance to do so because I don't allow it, I won't give him the chance." Meanwhile, Messina Denaro's clinical conditions continue to worsen. And in Castelvetrano everything is already ready for his funeral: the tomb has been placed next to his father Francesco, known as "Don Ciccio", also a former fugitive who was found after his death already dressed for the funeral.

He is done, i don't think he will get to see new year.

"A fish with his mouth closed never get's caught"